Declaration of Conformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Validity of a Declaration of Conformity of the RK

What to keep in mind when obtaining a declaration of conformity?

What is the validity period for a Declaration of Conformity?

Validity of a Declaration of Conformity of the RK

A Declaration of Conformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (DC RK) is a document of a specified format that verifies conformity of the products to the requirements of National Laws and is accepted by the manufacturer/contractor (at its own risk).

A Declaration of Conformity duly prepared and registered according to the rules of the State System of Technical Regulation for conformity confirmation is effective throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan on an equal basis with a Certificate of Conformity.

What to keep in mind when obtaining a declaration of conformity

An individual or a legal entity may accept a declaration. The manufacturer (contractor) accepts a declaration based on documents confirming conformity of the products to the specified requirements.

A Declaration of Conformity of the RK may be accepted for specific products or a group of homogeneous products for which uniform requirements subject to confirmation have been established.

On expiry of a Declaration of Conformity, the supplier (manufacturer, seller) may accept a new declaration according to the established procedure.

A Declaration of Conformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is completed in the specified format and signed by the head of the corporate supplier (manufacturer, seller).

What is the validity period for a Declaration of Conformity

According to TR No. 90, Clause 84, a Declaration is accepted for the period specified by the product manufacturer (contractor) based on the scheduled launch of this product or the timeline for selling a batch of products to a maximum of one year.

Which documents regulate product marking

The requirements for marking products and for applying the symbol of conformity are specified by the Technical Regulations "Requirements for Packaging, Marking, Labeling and Correct Application Thereof".

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